Mad or an innovation?


25th ~Jan, Jamie's lecture we had to think of a design off of a concept within 20 minuets, it was such a fun task, it really made us think, and it was quite challenging. our concept was precipitation. 

we had a vison of a dome where it has artificial rain inside, and would be a place for people to go to experience the surreal feeling of rain, with lights, feeling, sound and everything else. 

Imagine you were entering a different world, through these two sets of doors you would be immersed into a universe that honours rain. You would feel the rain on your skin, only if you choose to walk through the downpours, smell the fresh scent, feel the flow and lightness that rain can make you feel. Hear the relaxation of rain... Its like therapy but cheaper. 

the water cycle would be recycled, using the artificial precipitation for water features that are interactive. 

I think this would be educational, you could even split the dome into sections, so people begin to learn how it acts different in different climates, like the rain forest. 

all in all I think our design was a little mad! clever though, I think we did a good job in immersing ourselves into the concept. 

I think maybe a bit more of a subtle design would have worked, focusing on the movement of water. This would be from when it lands on the site through precipitation, to where the surfaces guide it. Adding lots of water features would make an even more successful place. 


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