garden design

Working in a group to get a final garden design around the concept Resilience was challenging but reaped so many rewards.  

Initial sketches really helped anchor in the design in and get a feel for what we were designing for. we could identify the aesthetic characteristics that we wanted to carry throughout the design like the wispy, loose looking vegetation. And the soft colours of the paving, and the soft shapes that could be created here. 

adding colour to the sketches also helped create a strong sense of what the area would feel like. 

These sketches helped show the scale of the entrances with some basic annotations that help keep the theme of the design and created easy understanding of these in the group. 

another sketch showing a larger view of the garden design. there isn't much representation of the vegetation here, and lacks annotation, leading some ideas lost in this sketch. 

There's a bit more form of the vegetation here, annotations could have been reinforced the features, types, and general info of the design 



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