James Corner Field Operations

I really love James Corner Field Operations, I loved looking through their portfolio, because each of the projects are innovative and unique. There are so many projects that they showcase, you can see how successful of a firm they have been, constantly challenging the ‘norm’. Some of my favourite projects are The New York Highline, South Park Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Navy Yard Central Green and Taopu Central Park. Within every one of these projects, you can see a strong defined concept, that has successful connecting layers. I think that they are really in tune with the different landscape that they build in, and the people that they are connecting to the space.  

They describe themselves as authentic designers catering to each city differently and capturing the local culture. You can see this within their designs as they are all so different, with different functions and aims, no place has been designed the same. ‘We design for people’ ‘We work from the scale of the city to the scale of a seat’ this was taken directly from their website (https://www.fieldoperations.net/about-us/profile.html) and I think it accurately describes them and their design process. No part of the landscape is left out, down to the finest of details like the patterns of paving, they create high quality urban development that redefines cities.

Navy Yard Central Green, Philadelphia was a design that stood out to me straight away, the layout fits well to split up the site, to create dynamic areas that fit well with the wider urban scape. The design had sustainability at the heart, and has be built to absorb run off through preamble paving and attenuation ponds, also infiltration pollution and providing habitats to increate biodiversity of the park. Place specific design has been used well here, linking strongly to the history of the site. Years prior to this redevelopment it was marshlands and pockets of planting and water, schofield (2015). You can see the aim to represent this through the mini ‘islands’ made, that have zoned the site well. 

The design as a public space has been successful, creating constant circulation for an active and easy use site. The accessibility and connectivity has improved by having so many entrances to the site. I like the layout, each area serves a purpose and has a completely different emotion attached to it. The area with trees and hammocks give tranquillity and an enclosed feel, separating you from the rest of the park. Where as the open grass areas with seating is inviting for big groups, giving energy and activity to the rest of the site. 

I like how the colour yellow has been used throughout the park, it’s a bright and energetic colour, and I think the whole design promotes this active, busy, lively open space. 

Images of  Navy Yard Central Green, Philadelphia

Images sourced from James Corner Field Operations

Taopu Central Park, Shanghai, China is another design by James Corner Field Operations that had caught my eye. I love the way that they have created such drastic changes in topography here, and the addition of vantage points reinforces this further. It was described as a ‘Healing lung’ by The American Society of Landscape Architects (2020) and I think this accurately portrays what this site has achieved. There’s flood mitigation through wetlands, permeable paving, and retention ponds. While it’s been transformative for the environment, its helped connect people back to nature and has created such an amazing place for both children and adults to explore. Its exiting for everyone, there’s not a boring spot in this park, and really shows how they design to such small details and creating smaller space within a whole projects. I love the organic patterns, and that’s something I pick up with majority of their designs, their ability to make a landscape flow and feel natural. 

Images of  Taopu Central Park, Shanghai, China

Images sourced from James Corner Field Operations

schofield , E. (2015) The Navy Yard Central Green Shows us How to Achieve Healthier, Happier and More Industrious Workers, Land8. Available at: https://land8.com/the-navy-yard-central-green-shows-us-how-to-achieve-healthier-happier-and-more-industrious-workers/.

The American Society of Landscape Architects (2020) Taopu Central Park | ASLA 2020 Professional Awards, www.asla.org. Available at: https://www.asla.org/2020awards/205.html.


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