The importance of safety in a landscape


The feeling you feel at home in your safe space,
That's what you should feel like in a well designed landscape
Where you can see all around you 
no one can jump out
and where there is plenty of lighting to surround you, so you can see far and wide. 

Some landscapes have not succeeded with these.
which increases crime rate and makes prime sports for things like drug deals and antisocial behaviour. 
Some people would opt for CCTV to be installed 
capturing the crime and fixing the problem.. but does that really solve it?
Or will they move along the site where CCTV doesn't record?
Will they shift areas within that neighbourhood? Not solving the problem at all but only temporarily shifting it. 

A good designer will think not only of their park but the surrounding neighbourhood when it comes to redesigning, making it safe for all and not just moving the antisocial behaviour on. 

Safety attracts families, older people, children to come and spend time here. 

Designers could work with the community to see what they want and need, this will help them become more connected to the space and take more pride in it. Also allowing the community to benefit off the landscapes through fruit trees, brambles, veg gardens etc makes them more actively involved in the site. 

more community presence on a park or site will deter crime as more people will be likely to report it and want safety for their community. 



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