an award


After searching my name in google I came across an award.. 

I was glad as this was one of the first things to come up about me, proving my online presence isn't so bad after all. 

It lead me thinking, the journey I've had to end up doing landscape architecture. 

After winning this award, being the youngest year group and out of nearly 500, is quite impressive, even if I do say so myself. 

I would loved to have more opportunities like this, which is one of my goals in my careers. 

After only learning about landscape architecture after searching architecture in the university search bar a few weeks prior to applying, I don't think the subject gets talked about enough.

I would love to give opportunities to younger children and teenagers, to open there eyes to what's around us, giving them opportunities like I had with architecture, to design a dream garden or park, then include it in the final design. 

Its so inspiring! I would love to eventually go back to all my schools and give talks, and even the opportunity for work experience one day. 

Its so important to inspire the younger generations who will be looking after this planet one day. 


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