
 This was a piece of work I completed for Jamie’s group work project, we were all allocated a subject to research, mine was noise pollution. It’s all then piled into a survey of The North Place car park.

This was so fun to do, I haven’t touched sewing art since my alevel art project, which before that was since gcse textiles. 

I really enjoy art like this because you add texture, making it interactive and most people can feel aswell as see making you more involved. 

It adds depth that I wouldn’t be able to otherwise create with just paint. It’s quite a quick way of creating art, but so effective as it’s not that common. 

For this painting in particular Sewed over a map, which I had painted on first. I used colour, line types and repetition to distinguish the noise type, sound and level. 

Red was harsher sounds paired with the zig zag stitch created a sharp ongoing sound. 

It would be interesting to do a landscape sketch with this technique. 


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