Urban design

 This was a street within London that had a minimalistic design, I think it was good walkway throughout, that provided a direct route through for those needing it.

The seats were placed in the way of the desired line, directing pedestrians through, guiding them. I liked the colour scheme  too, mostly cream floor with grey and black pavers to bring in the colour of the surrounding buildings  and benches. 

The benches split the area up, they give direction and flow. 

The trees give an overhead  canopy layer so that you feel enclosed, not a trapped feeling, but safety from the views of all the buildings. 

This design made you slow down on your route, it gave a message to stop, take a seat and look around. It stopped the 'drag through' feel you get when entering a site you can see the end to, as it buffered these views due to the trees and seating. 



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