Quick Sketches

Barnwood parks proposed café and boardwalks.

Proposed café, large windows to overview wetland.

Boardwalk sketch.

Seating and permeable paving surrounding the café.

These are further views and snapshots of Barnwood proposals for a café and boardwalk. 

I created these quick sketches for a module for re designing Barnwood park. These were really helpful in highlighting areas I need to improve. Scale and proportion is something I struggle with, so I will continue to create small sketches that will help with this. 

these areas focus on the café and outdoor seating area, and I found it helped discover the colour pallet and textures of the site. 

I think its rather washed out, so adding deeper toned timber would help bring the area to life. I do want to keep with a mainly natural toned area as I want to blend in with the woodland and grass land areas. 



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