Katherine Gufstafson

 After completing a first year presentation on Kathryn Gustafson, she was my first landscape architect i had properly researched and went into depth about her design ideas and reasonings. 

My first love for her design wok was Diana's fountain in Hyde park in London. 

It expresses the personality of Princesses Diana,  being inclusive and accessible. it was designed in a way to draw people in and radiate energy. 

The serpentine drops 3 meters in level, so water travels downward on both sides. 

The route of the water is oxygenated through different textures set in the granite. 

 Here you can see the textures that bubble the water creating movement and energy.

Constantly flowing the water provides so many benefits to the landscape and people who use it. 

Birds can benefit from the water, it created a cooler climate, and people can spend their summer here paddling creating a friendly environment. 

From the circular shape, it creates a very inviting feeling, also split up by the path, people can take a route through creating more movement within the site.


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