18 shades of gay


This is probably one of my favourite projects to come across, the way it’s transformed the street to radiate energy.. wow! 
This was created by Claude Cormier + associate’s in Sainte-Catherine Street East in Montreal. This installation was representing the LGBTQ+ community through the brightly coloured recycled plastic balls hung in the colour of a rainbow. 
The rainbow stretches to a linear 1km street scape. I love this project as it’s so vibrant, it completely changes the space without actually putting anything on the ground. 
It’s quite amazing how even though it’s above your head, it changes the atmosphere to a more enclosed intimate feel. 
I love the meaning behind it as well, supporting LGBTQ+ as well as providing a street scape transformation, it’s really there for the community in terms of facilities and support. 
I also wondered the sensory aspect, I can imagine them rattling in the wind and the peaceful sound it would create. 


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