Enota Architects

 Enota Architects 

I found these architects when looking for inspiration on a current project Alney Island. I stumbled across their Landscape design of a park in the Slovenia port, City of Koper.

This design was places at a waterfront, surrounded by a developing town, with aim of creating better connections between the towns and waterfront. The varied topography was an element that stood out to me straight away. I loved the formation of the design, and with such a strong form, it reflected the water perfectly. The taller formed mounds act as viewing platforms and shelters the rest of the park from the noisy surroundings.

I was also really inspired with how playful the landscape is, it tells a story of how the water is constantly moving, bubbling, playing and full of energy. It is subtle demonstrated through the park with running water and the forms of the mounds and seating. All elements adhere to the concept of water and I think it as been done very successfully.

 Koper Central Park  

Here you can see the varied topography, the form representing a fluid structure, lined by seating and playful shapes.

Shape formation and concept design 

Here you can see the shapes formed in an organic shape.

Element of the design 

A multi functional park with water movement.

Movement within form and water

 Planting of mixed grasses again implement movement across the site. Low lying grass presents flexible and multifunctional space.

 Interactive space 

play is found throughout the whole of this site which is why I am so fascinated with the design. All elements can be interpreted as play, and can be interacted with. There is massive play on noise too, with the cascading water, you can just imagine how peaceful it must be here. 

all images sourced from : Koper Central Park (enota.si) 

More about the architects behind this design. They were founded in 1998 and are based in Slovenia, they are a team of fifty architects who “surpass the boundaries of conventional discipline”. From my point of view they take on projects that are different, they have a wide range of projects shown on their page all which are of innovative design.

“Enota’s solutions are strongly influenced by research, reinterpretation and development of social, organizational and design algorithms that derive from nature.” This quite was taken from their about page on their website and I think it speaks volume. It shows not every design is the same. It shows that they reinterpret sites, explore new possibilities and designs. It shows they care about the environment surrounding them, and often implement natural designs. One thing I took from their page is that they are not too fussed on community improvements, or people based design.  


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