Water in landscapes - Saving the planet?

Water Squares 

Reading a short analysis on the idea of 'Water Squares' to be used when mitigating against storm water inspired me. With climate change we should be planning ahead, there will be more storms that are heavier and more server, the sea level continues to rise and with many Dutch cities already below sea level, it will only lead to disaster.  

Designing public spaces with floodable features, that capture the storm water will take the pressure off the rest of the city’s infrastructure. Its an innovative idea that should be used more as it creates flexible public spaces, where people can still use it in heavy rainfall and can learn the benefits of capturing rain water and utilising it for different uses.

The publication by Florian Boer explores the concept of Water Squares, this solution was founded by De Urbanisten Studio Marco Vermeulen. The concept is to create flood basins out of public spaces, spending money both on public spaces and water management (Boer 2012). 


Image 1: (Boer 2012). This image shows the space used when there is no flooding. Its used as a public space that functions for play and seating. The open space allows connection between space, people and nature. 

Image 2: (Boer 2012) This image shows when the water is at a low level, this still functions as a public space, providing play area for children to interreact with the flood water. 3

Image 3: (Boer 2012) This public space is now used as a flood basin. You are still able to use the surrounding site as a public space, and the feature even encourages interaction and for children to play in the water. 

Overall I like this design and I think it shows one of the many ways where we can mitigate against flood water and create collaborative and interactive spaces. 

Boer, F. (2012) Water Squares, Available from: <http://www.waterpleinen.com/Watersquares.pdf> 


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