The elevator pitch

For our assignment 001 in our philosophy module, we had to complete an elevator pitch of our concept of Alney island. 

This was a speech  as though we had met someone who knew we had a project in Gloucester, so we could promote ourselves, and the project, explaining what it was about and how it was working. 

The process of an elevator became easier the second time round - as we had done one in year 2. It’s really good experience in public speaking, and as much as it made me nervous, I enjoy the process and being able to look back and see how I’ve improved. 
Thought I’m not the most confident when speaking in front of a crowd, creating notes instead of writing it word for word made it easier to remember, and made it more free flowing.

I started off with this ‘journey’ of words, mapping out key points I want to make in a logical order. 

I defined the words with a bit more, beginning to create a paragraph and bring the words together. 

This was the page I read off. I probably did use too many words, as I began to read off the sheet, rather then recall it from memory, which would have made the speech more free flowing and easier to listen too. 

This is what my speech ended up sounding like, I read and listened back to it, lots and lots of tunes. It was easier to remember and helped with the ‘prompts maps’.



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